I found this interesting article on pain relief in babycentre website. This is useful during the start of labour, when the contractions has just begun, and when you still have the energy, and courage to try to pursue for a natural birth. However, some people have a low threshold for pain, thus opt to have other pain relief methods such as pethidine, TENS, or even epidural. The other options of pain relief, will be posted in the update, but here goes some things you could try and do, within the first few hours of contraction pain. You might even manage to go through the whole labour process with just these natural methods.
Here's an A to Z of ideas to help you cope with pain and feel in control of your labour:
A: Ask for information: the more you know, the more relaxed you'll feel.
B: Breathe rhythmically and relax as you breathe out.
C: Cuddle your husband/ family members thats in the labour room with you.
D: Drink sips of isotonic drinks or water in between contractions.
E: Eat carbohydrate-rich foods little and often if you feel hungry. (Although research shows that eating and drinking in labour is safe, some doctors and hospitals still discourage it - check with your doctor about her preferences and hospital policy about this.)
F: Fan yourself with a small electric fan.
B: Breathe rhythmically and relax as you breathe out.
C: Cuddle your husband/ family members thats in the labour room with you.
D: Drink sips of isotonic drinks or water in between contractions.
E: Eat carbohydrate-rich foods little and often if you feel hungry. (Although research shows that eating and drinking in labour is safe, some doctors and hospitals still discourage it - check with your doctor about her preferences and hospital policy about this.)
F: Fan yourself with a small electric fan.