Monday 25 April 2011

Prenatal Massage Continues

I find these videos very useful. Nampak very relaxing for the pregnant mothers. A good massage must have these elements:
1) keep patient ie Pregnant mums in a comfortable position, and conducted in a dignified manner
2) must use appropriate massage pressure
3) use appropriate oil (for pregnant mums, sepatutnya oil yang bukan minyak PANAS!! or too smelly, sebab kulit diorang tengah delicate and sensitive, and also their sense of smell sangat peka dengan bau-bau pelik.
4) Most important, catered for the patient needs. DO NO HARM!

*Abdominal massage*

*Back massage on chair*

*safe positioning during massage*

Hope these videos are useful to all pregnant mums. Do get your hubby to watch them too. Maybe they can help out. If you need relaxing, calming antenatal massage, do email me at

1 comment:

  1. Mums!! make the hubby watch these videos too.. it will be very very useful especially once you are in the labour room and needed your hubby to make himself useful rather than just watch you in pain. :)
