Monday 25 April 2011

Labour process

The process of labour memang menakutkan, especially to all new mums. Kadang-kadang tu termimpi-mimpi. But then, sometimes it helps kalo kita tahu whats exactly going to happen during this critical period.  So here goes the process of labour, and I found some interesting pictures to aid your imagination.

What are you going through??

The baby is at term and the cervix is beginning to dilate.

The mother's membranes rupture as the cervix continues to dilate.


The baby's head is crowning, usually after a couple of hours of pushing.

The head has been delivered and the rest of the baby will soon follow.

Best position for labour

Bila labour baru bermula, you'll may feel quite restless. Nak gerak sana sini, and keep busy. Just make sure that you don't get over-tired, because you'll need all the energy  during the proper labour. Take short rests, duduk atas kerusi or lying down. If your contractions starts at night, try to stay in bed and relax for as long as possible. 

As contractions get stronger, and more frequent, you'll need to concentrate on them. Focus on what's happening, and practice breathing techniques and relaxation exercises. Cari position yang sesuai dah terbaik for you to cope with contractions. Position yang terbaik is upright position, supaya baby lebih mudah untuk turun mengikut gravity, dan mempercepatkan proses kelahiran. 

Upright positions can help lessen contraction pain and make it easier for your birth partner to massage your back.
You could: 
lean onto a work surface or the back of a chair 
put your arms round your partner's neck or waist and lean on him 
lean onto the bed in the delivery room (with the height adjusted for your comfort) or a window-sill 
kneel on a large cushion or pillow on the floor and lean forwards onto the seat of a chair 
sit astride a chair, resting on a pillow placed across the top 
sit on the toilet, leaning forwards, or sit astride, leaning onto the cistern 
go onto all fours 
kneel on one leg with the other bent. 
Don't forget to rock your hips backwards and forwards or in a circle to help your baby through your pelvis and to comfort yourself. 

You can only do these positions if you are not having epidurals yet. Kalo dah amik epidural tu, duduk je la atas katil tu diam-diam ye. have a good rest, and prepare for the labour itself. Banyak-banyak kan la berzikir and selawat.

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