Thursday 21 April 2011

Nutrition in Pregnancy

During pregnancy is the critical time when you have to think of the baby inside you, and at the same time thinking about your health too. Therefore a good and balanced nutrition is always the key thing advice by healthcare professionals to all pregnant mums. However, macam mana sekalipun kita cuba untuk makan makanan yang berkhasiat, sometimes it is not good enough. Yang masak sendiri, kadang-kadang sayur2 tu terlebih lama masak, pufff! nutrients die hilang.. sometimes pulak, tergoda dengan makanan yang beli kat luar, and fast food, exampe KFC, Mc Donalds, etc. Therefore, untuk melengkapkan nutrient yang diambil, supaya baby kita cukup segala apa yang diperlukan, it is good if you could add a bit of supplements to your daily intake. 

It's recommended that you take two important supplements during your pregnancy: 
   1)  400 micrograms (mcg) folic acid a day for the first 12 weeks
   2)  10mcg of vitamin D a day throughout your pregnancy

Later on in your pregnancy you may need to take an iron supplement, as some pregnant mums cepat rasa letih due to kurangnya iron in the body. 


is also important while you’re pregnant, as you'll now need twice as much each day. Jangan pulak sampai nanti baru first baby, gigi semua dah gugur, rambut luruh, tulang cepat reput.. bacause if your own body doesnt have enough calcium supply for baby, baby will take whatever there is from you.  

You could take a special pregnancy multivitamin that contains folic acid, vitamin D, iron and calcium. Look for one that also contains vitamin C, vitamin D, B vitamins such as B6 and B12, potassium, zinc and vitamin E. Or check the contents of formula milk catered for pregnant mums eg: S-26 mama, Anmum, etc.

Don't take any supplements which contain retinol, the animal form of vitamin A. In large quantities, this can be toxic to unborn babies. However, the plant-based carotene type of vitamin A is safe in pregnancy. Also don’t take megadoses of vitmins and minerals,  as this could be harmful to your baby. 

Finally, do still keep up with the healthy lifestyle. Eat correctly of healthy balanced diet, and keep doing regular light exercise.

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