Wednesday 20 April 2011


All new mums-to-be or those becoming pregnant again for the 10th time, still need the guidance, support, and appropriate check-ups and care during pregnancy and after birth. It is a challenge being a women, but more challenging becoming a mum. Therefore to all first time mums, I would like to help you all in making it easier going towards this transitions.

Modern mums nowadays kene balance the knowledge of medicinal practices, and traditional practices. Pengetahuan perubatan modern dan perubatan tradisional jika digabungkan dapat memberi manfaat yang optimum bagi para ibu. Therefore, as a mum myself, with a medical degree, and currently exploring the new world of traditional medicine, I would like to encourage other mums to explore both of these worlds, hoping that it could give a more wholesome benefit to you and your family. 

As someone who had gone through pregnancy myself, and labour of course, there are things that I wished my mum, or other people had told me before I had to go through myself. Sometimes, things as little as “do not be afraid to go to the toilet after your delivery or else you will be in BIG trouble if you constipated” is actually very important and useful when you have to go through  it. I am not promoting any specific products or brands that is good for mum and baby, but I will give suggestions to products that I have used before. Therefore, you can let me know if you would like specific products to be used on you during berurut for example. Some products that I'm convinced with, or that I have tried before and personally liked them, I will post them on the blog for viewer to order/buy.

Finally, I am providing services (antenatal and postnatal) to guide and support mums in going through this journey, and of course sharing all the little knowledge and experience that I have, hoping that your pregnancy and delivery will be a memorable and exciting journey.   

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