Wednesday 20 April 2011

Prenatal Massage

This is a very useful simple, but informative guide to prenatal massage. To dads out there, boleh la tolong release kan sket sakit-sakit, and lengoh2 kaki bakal2 ibu tu. Make sure its a good, broad based, light hand massage to relieve all the aches. Jangan dok tekan sekuat hati tau!! 

 But if you would like more info, and learn more specific, or if you dont have the time to do this, ada jugak service for prenatal massage disediakan. Look at the services link above. But to be clear here, ini bukan massage untuk mudahkan beranak, ataupun nak betulkan kedudukan anak songsang atau sebagainya. Lebih kepada nak legakan lengoh2 badan sahaja (which are practiced worldwide).

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